Monday, July 27, 2009

Warning!!! Another blog about Twilight

I'm sure for the next few months this blog will be all about my twilight party. I'm obsessed and its scary. I think my calling is party planning because it just gets me all giddy inside. Ive been on the hunt for all things twilight related without spending a whole lot of money. I found these really pretty red and white parrot tulips online for 7.99 per stem plus shipping. That's way to high for me so i checked out Hobby lobby and found plain white tulips. They were only 2.99 each on sale for 50% off. SCORE. So i just brushed them with red paint and i think they are pretty close to the new moon book cover. I also found these cardboard coasters in the dollar spot at target. There were 12 coasters for only a buck. So i cut twilight characters out of magazines and had Jason laminate them at work. They turned out pretty cool too. At they have bookmarks you can print, so i did that to give as favors.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

big plans

My birthday isnt until October and im already making plans. Why so early? Because im having a Twilight party and it has to be perfect!! Im super excited. I have been doing all kinds of fun crafts to get ready for it. I made a red velvet cake and covered it with home made fondant. For never making it before i think i did a pretty good job. My design is going to be two layers, incorporating all of the book covers. The chess board, the apple, red ribbon and parrot tulip. The pic is only my rough draft, and it would have a second layer if my kiddos hadn't have took a hand full out of it. Ive made bookmarks and coasters too. they turned out pretty awesome. Everyone will dress up, me being Bella going to prom, my mom Esme, Jay is still undecided, my friend Jen is Alice and her hubby will be jasper. Ive got a fog machine for "foggy forks". I cant wait! Its so funny because ive been looking online at different cake ideas and everything i see is for girls 15 and under. LOL I found one cake that said happy 23rd birthday and i didnt feel so lame after that. I plan on making "italiano" for the main coarse. I thought of making mushroom ravioli because its what Bella orders in the restaurant but im not fond of mushrooms. I have a fondue set as well and i plan on dying white chocolate red with strawberries and apples (of course) to dip. My birthday is really close to Halloween so its the perfect theme, plus as a kid i always wanted a Halloween party. Its ALWAYS fun to dress up! Answer me honestly, am i lame or would you come if you could?

this is my practice cake.

Monday, July 20, 2009

not a morning gal

So Jason and I decided that it would be a good idea if i started waking up with him every morning because I will be needing to do this when Haley starts school in a couple of weeks. SO, here i am at 6;30 in the morning with my cup of coffee trying to think of something to blog about, or else id me falling asleep right now. I made oatmeal and eggs for breakfast. We are working on our waist lines and are doing our best to eat healthier foods rather then skimp on the calories. Its hard to eat a lot of food in the morning. But i read that your breakfast should be the biggest meal. For lunch i packed Jason tuna, crackers, mixed fruit and apple sauce. I plan on eating the same thing. We aren't very good about sticking to diets and exercise BUT when Haley starts school i will be walking her to and from every day while pulling about 90 pounds of children in the wagon. It takes about 10 min to get there and 10 back. So twice a day would be roughly 40 min of walking everyday. That's much more then Ive been doing so I'm bound to shed a few pounds right? Anyway, I'm done. I'm awake now but still resisting the urge to curl up in bed until the kids get up.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

good times

A month has flown by with flying colors! We returned from north Carolina so exhausted! That is a long trip with three kids and not to mention my ADD. Grandpa is doing fine. He had surgery and is still recovering. It was a pleasant trip this time around. Normally its so hectic because we are constantly moving. Going from one side of town to the other so see everyone. This time I got to just hang out with my mom and do not much of anything. We spent some time at the beach. got some great pictures. The beach is the best place on the earth. The day we went there weren't many people there and it was kinda cloudy so it was great to just let the kids roam up and down the coast running from crashing waves. It was the first time it weeks that they could actually go without me saying "dont touch that" or "dont go too far". We were able to catch genuine smiles and good memories.

Since we've been home nothing new has gone on. We had a great 4th of july. Started off a little rocky because jason "forgot" to tell me he invited company. Needless to say i was scrambling around the kitchen trying to figure out what to feed these people. It turned out quite nice in the end. We cooked the traditional burgers and dogs and had a flag pound cake, and did some fireworks to end the night.

(my patriotic girls) (surely not the work of Martha but it was yummy)