Monday, August 4, 2008

in a nut shell

Nothing is super interesting in my life so im just going to go off with what has happened the last couple days. Its been quite frustrating i have to say. First, my dear maddy, i dont even know where to begin. She isnt even two yet and she throws the biggest fits ive ever seen. I may be exaggerating a tad because all i have to compare her to is haley who was a mini saint. When i tell her to get off the table or stop hitting haley......... all i get is NOOOOOOOO! in the highest pitch you can imagine coming from a 19 month old. And you would think she would learn not to keep doing insane things because i am so consistent with her. But she will go back and do it again just as soon as by back is turned. Her newest idea is to push the chair to the drawers in the kitchen and dig through them. Its a good thing i can hear the chair being pushed because there are things in the drawers that could hurt her. She also loves to play in the trash. The other day she pulled out a chicken bag. I though i was going to die. I couldnt scrub her little hands enough. There was raw chicken juice all over. I understand that she is a toddler and this is what they do but i have to draw the line somewhere. I am up for any ideas on how to get her to stop doing dangerous things. please help.
In other frustrating news, jason and i got into a fight over the trash. Really... the trash. Its the only thing i ask him to do and it seems like I'm still the one to always take it out. So last night i started to take it out and it was so full that it wouldn't come out. After pulling for 5 minutes i was good and mad. It didn't help that jason was laying on the floor two feet away from me and he didn't even look to see what i was having a fit over. So i take the trash out and finish cleaning the kitchen. When he came to me about 20 minutes later asking if I'm ok .. I say " no i just fought with the trash for five minutes"
he says " why didn't you tell me"
Me-" You have seen it over flowing all day just as well as i have. i shouldn't have to tell you"
Jay- "i can see your having one of those nights so ill leave you alone."
Me-" no im not having "one of those nights" I'm just irritated that you didn't take the trash out."
So anyway , we didn't talk till bed time. And he says i need to be nice. I said i didn't like how he turned it around on me like i have no reason to be irritated. If it happend just once in a while i wouldn't get mad. I don't mind doing it if he isn't home or it he is busy but when he is playing a video game it just lights my fire. And the way maddy digs in the trash someone has to stay on top of it. He says i should just tell him. I could do that but I'm not his mother! Another thing that isn't on my happy list is my washing machine. It has bit the dust! I have caught it a couple time just running water. when it is supposed to be filling up and agitating , its just running. One day i started it and we went out for a while. when we got home its was running. we were gone for about 4 hours. My water bill has gone up so high. we went to Home depot and got a new one. A front loader energy and water saver. It wont be here till next Saturday but I'm so excited. Ok and last but not least by any means...... MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT!! The same thing happened after i had maddy. I'm sure its normal but it seems like way to much . and i can tell that its thinning. I eat healthy, i take vitamins, despite the last few days I'm not really stressed. I don't know what the deal is. i think i may need to see a doctor about it. I looked it up online and it said something about a sluggish thyroid. I don't know. well..... now that Ive taken you for a ride through negative town....say something funny, i need a smile.


Carrie said...

HAHAHAHA oh sorry. I really shouldn't laugh at your sadness but your fight with jason was so hilarious because I could totally see you both there. Ben and I have had stupid fights like that too. Good luck with that one. Ben eventually came around and now he takes out the trash before I even notice it's full.

With your Maddy troubles... I think you are doing great! You have always been a good and consistent parent so just keep going. If you can completely remove the temptation I would do it. We had to put our garbages on top of the counters and toilets for a while to deter Benson and we still can't keep toilet paper on the holder because they unroll the whole stupid thing the minute I'm not looking. I know it's annoying to have garbage on the counter and knives in the top of the cupboard but if it's not there, you she won't be tempted and you will be happier not being frustrated with her. My other advice is that if she is throwing long tantrums, just calmly explain that if she wants to cry then she needs to do it in her room and can come out when she can be happy. That's what we did with Benson and it helped a lot. He spent a lot of time in his room for a few weeks but after that he got better. Good luck!