Monday, September 22, 2008

our melt down in a nutshell

Today started off like any other day. We wake up at 6:30 and get ready for school. We have to be at the school by 8 oclock and i have three kids to get fed and ready so thats why we have to wake up that early. well for some reason , today we were off schedule. I promised haley a pink donut because we had nothing for breakfast. I bought milk last night and left it out ..... so it spoiled. We finally get out of the door with just 20 minutes to get a donut and get to school on time. By the time i pull up to the school its 7:59!! so im rushing to get the kids out of the car because i HATE to put her name on the "tarty" chart. Well when i open the trunk to get the stroller..... its not there. we went for a walk last night and failed to put it back. so im holding peyton and i go to get maddy but she hasnt finished her donut yet. I put the donut to the side and tell her we will get it when we get back in the car. She screams at the top of her lungs so i just pull her out of the car hoping that she will forget about it. well she didnt and she felt the need to let everyone know how mad she was. she screamed bloody murder through the whole center. we finally reach haleys class and i try to kiss haley goodbye quickly but sincere and she starts to bawl her eyes out saying she wants to go home. Let me add that peyton was mad too. so i have three screaming kids. Haleys teacher looks at me and says hello and i said hello then turned around and walked away. We left. Im dragging maddy, holding peyton and hurrying haley along ... getting all kinds of stares and glares. We reach the car.... and haley is screaming she wants to go to school. At this point i couldnt take anymore. I strap em in ..... and go home. They knew how mad i was because they didnt make a peep on the way. When we got home they were both saying their sorrys. Im not sure what in the world im going to tell her teacher in the morning but i just knew i had to get out of that center before i blew up. It really was a nightmare. my kids have NEVER acted this way. I was so embarrassed