Saturday, January 3, 2009


And boy do i have a lot of them.

1) Obsess less and laugh more.

2) Lose 25 pounds.

3) Officially have a "binky" free house.

4) Be more patient.

5) eat out less

6) the most important to me ..... grow as a christian.

7) become more "green" and waste less.

8) watch less tv

For the most part im hoping to be the best me i can be this year.


Carrie said...

Those are some super great goals. You are so brave to put them out there. I can't do it because then when I fail at the goals I get all embarrassed. Anyway I'm with you on the more patience thing. We did a little lesson thingy before christmas about giving the first gift of christmas to Christ and the thing I chose to give him was more christ-like patience with my family. So far I'm doing pretty terribly, but at least I'm thinking about it I guess. Anyway good luck with all of those!