Wednesday, January 9, 2008

lovin this routine

Now don't get me wrong. i loved having my mom here for the holidays but o my heavens it was a zoo around here. for some reason Haley wasn't listening to me. I'm guessing its because she could run to grandma and she would make it all better! Madeline wasn't sleeping good. i was always grouchy. I probably cooked dinner a whopping 5 times in two months! Yea things were crazy. But now that she is gone things are running so smooth. I never thought i would be one of those moms on a strict routine but i am now and love it. Everything is planned out. From sun up to sun down and I've noticed that the kids are well behaved now. They are in bed by 8 without a fight and it is pure bliss. i encourage anyone who isn't on a good routine...... do it! my life is running smooth again...... besides that...... we got new furniture! YAY its really nice to have something we picked out and not all of Jason's moms hand me downs. (I'm not complaining by a long shot. it was good starter furniture!) But its really nice. now I'm really crazy about keeping things clean!


Carrie said...

Scary because you were crazy before! lol it's true but I always think of you and try to do better with my cleaning. And thanks for the bit about routine. I need to do it too but I'm not sure how. Any advice you have on what to put in a routine would be helpful!