Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I LOVE parties

I know im two months late but here are some pics from my twilight party. I had so much fun planning it . Im really bummed that its behind me. Theres always next year right? lol

Me and my friend jen welcoming you to Forks.
I worked hard on that sign
jacob and bella. At the end of the movie at the prom..

Alice, bella, edward, esme, alice

Rosalies werewolf kibble, 100% fido approved

blood bags

me and my girls. silly

my cake, i worked hard.

Here are some halloween photos. We had some friends over and went trick or treating.
kitty litter brownies
jay was a bag of trash, and i was a nurse

let try this again

To be honest, i really do enjoy blogging. I dont have many people who read it but its nice all the same to just look at whats been going on over time. So im gonna take another stab at this. It was August the last time i wrote anything so forgive me if im all over the place trying to catch up.

Haley is in school and is learning to read. I cant believe how smart she is and how far she has come. They do journals and its so exciting to see what she is writing about. She is making so many new friends and she never complains about going. Her hearing problem is still the same, but its showing no signs of slowing her down in school. At her last appointment they said she was born this way (in a nut shell).

Madeline, oh madeline, she is my little challenger. She is loving and kind but oh so curious. You can count on busy day everyday with her. She is doing great also. Loves to help and be a little mommy to peyton. Her newest phrase is " have you lost your mind on purpose?" Makes me smile. Haley and i are guilty for teaching her this. I say " Have you lost your mind" quite often and haley is always saying someone is doing something on purpose. Maddy is a little sponge of knowledge....and i love her so

Peyton is my tough little princess. She hangs in there with her older sisters and has no problem keeping up. Sort of a bully at times , when she really wants something. She still sucks her thumb and carries her "bubby" (blanket). Shes a pretty easy baby, feed her and give her naps and all is good in the world.

jason and i are doing great. Jay has been taking online classes and is doing really well with that. Nothing too exciting going on this way. Taking care of babies, walking haley to and from school everyday. Doing the mom thing and loving it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is there anything greater then walking in a babies room after a nice long nap? The answer to this is no. They are so happy and genuinely excited to see you. i had to snap a photo right when i opened the door and this is the beautiful reaction i got........

Monday, July 27, 2009

Warning!!! Another blog about Twilight

I'm sure for the next few months this blog will be all about my twilight party. I'm obsessed and its scary. I think my calling is party planning because it just gets me all giddy inside. Ive been on the hunt for all things twilight related without spending a whole lot of money. I found these really pretty red and white parrot tulips online for 7.99 per stem plus shipping. That's way to high for me so i checked out Hobby lobby and found plain white tulips. They were only 2.99 each on sale for 50% off. SCORE. So i just brushed them with red paint and i think they are pretty close to the new moon book cover. I also found these cardboard coasters in the dollar spot at target. There were 12 coasters for only a buck. So i cut twilight characters out of magazines and had Jason laminate them at work. They turned out pretty cool too. At they have bookmarks you can print, so i did that to give as favors.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

big plans

My birthday isnt until October and im already making plans. Why so early? Because im having a Twilight party and it has to be perfect!! Im super excited. I have been doing all kinds of fun crafts to get ready for it. I made a red velvet cake and covered it with home made fondant. For never making it before i think i did a pretty good job. My design is going to be two layers, incorporating all of the book covers. The chess board, the apple, red ribbon and parrot tulip. The pic is only my rough draft, and it would have a second layer if my kiddos hadn't have took a hand full out of it. Ive made bookmarks and coasters too. they turned out pretty awesome. Everyone will dress up, me being Bella going to prom, my mom Esme, Jay is still undecided, my friend Jen is Alice and her hubby will be jasper. Ive got a fog machine for "foggy forks". I cant wait! Its so funny because ive been looking online at different cake ideas and everything i see is for girls 15 and under. LOL I found one cake that said happy 23rd birthday and i didnt feel so lame after that. I plan on making "italiano" for the main coarse. I thought of making mushroom ravioli because its what Bella orders in the restaurant but im not fond of mushrooms. I have a fondue set as well and i plan on dying white chocolate red with strawberries and apples (of course) to dip. My birthday is really close to Halloween so its the perfect theme, plus as a kid i always wanted a Halloween party. Its ALWAYS fun to dress up! Answer me honestly, am i lame or would you come if you could?

this is my practice cake.

Monday, July 20, 2009

not a morning gal

So Jason and I decided that it would be a good idea if i started waking up with him every morning because I will be needing to do this when Haley starts school in a couple of weeks. SO, here i am at 6;30 in the morning with my cup of coffee trying to think of something to blog about, or else id me falling asleep right now. I made oatmeal and eggs for breakfast. We are working on our waist lines and are doing our best to eat healthier foods rather then skimp on the calories. Its hard to eat a lot of food in the morning. But i read that your breakfast should be the biggest meal. For lunch i packed Jason tuna, crackers, mixed fruit and apple sauce. I plan on eating the same thing. We aren't very good about sticking to diets and exercise BUT when Haley starts school i will be walking her to and from every day while pulling about 90 pounds of children in the wagon. It takes about 10 min to get there and 10 back. So twice a day would be roughly 40 min of walking everyday. That's much more then Ive been doing so I'm bound to shed a few pounds right? Anyway, I'm done. I'm awake now but still resisting the urge to curl up in bed until the kids get up.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

good times

A month has flown by with flying colors! We returned from north Carolina so exhausted! That is a long trip with three kids and not to mention my ADD. Grandpa is doing fine. He had surgery and is still recovering. It was a pleasant trip this time around. Normally its so hectic because we are constantly moving. Going from one side of town to the other so see everyone. This time I got to just hang out with my mom and do not much of anything. We spent some time at the beach. got some great pictures. The beach is the best place on the earth. The day we went there weren't many people there and it was kinda cloudy so it was great to just let the kids roam up and down the coast running from crashing waves. It was the first time it weeks that they could actually go without me saying "dont touch that" or "dont go too far". We were able to catch genuine smiles and good memories.

Since we've been home nothing new has gone on. We had a great 4th of july. Started off a little rocky because jason "forgot" to tell me he invited company. Needless to say i was scrambling around the kitchen trying to figure out what to feed these people. It turned out quite nice in the end. We cooked the traditional burgers and dogs and had a flag pound cake, and did some fireworks to end the night.

(my patriotic girls) (surely not the work of Martha but it was yummy)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

in need of prayers

we just found out that Jasons grandpa is very ill. He is in the hospital because he suffered a heart attack. Now he is battling phenomena before they can perform open heart surgery. Please keep him in your prayers. In many ways he is like a father to jason and he is taking this really hard. We are packing and heading to North carolina in the morning to be with him.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

10 things that made me smile

Today has not started off so well. I slept on the couch last night because my mattress makes my back hurt, and my room gets so hot. Not that the couch was much better but at least i wasn't hot. When i don't get a good nights sleep I'm a grump. I'm trying my hardest to recover and not let my bad mood poison the house for the day. I was listening to family life radio and this lady said when she has a rough day she sits down and writes a list of ten things that brighten her life. So I'm inspired to do the same because today has started out rough. Here it goes.

10 things that made me smile today

1) my girls slept in their own beds past 7 o'clock
2) Haley sat down for 30 min just writing letters and her name. I'm so proud that she is eager to perfect her penmanship
3) Maddy went poo in the potty!
4) Peyton had a beautiful smile on her face when i went to get her out of her crib. She was genuinely happy to see me
5)The sun is shining
6) I found a beautiful pair of shoes for 3 dollars that retail for 120 on a local yard sale web site!
7) My house is clean
8) I chatted with my always silly mom today.
9)Haley promised to help me make monkey munch.
10) It hasn't happened yet but i know jay will come home with a smile on his face no matter how hard his day was and greet me with a kiss.

I feel better already

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

shes at it again

My little explorer let curiosity get the best of her again. This time she put a whole tube of neosporin (im sure i spelled that wrong) in her hair. Ive washed it 8 times and its still slick and greasy. O well. I'm sure it will come out eventually. Until then she just looks like she needs a serious bath. What will she think of next. She is going to do great things with her curiosity one day. I just know it :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

splish spash

We got a pretty awesome pool this year. I can actually get in and stretch out with the kids actively splashing around me. The kids love it!. Its so great because we can actually be outside of the house and not melt. The humid here in Georgia is ridiculous so if you don't have a way to keep cool, you will be inside forever! And that leads to cabin fever which is never good. Im very grateful for this pool.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Its gone

I did it. Its gone. I cut it all off. And it feels so good!! The front could be a tad longer for my taste and the back needs to be blended a bit more but im happy over all.

Friday, June 5, 2009

all in favor say "I"

I am bored with my hair yet again. It wont grow past a certain point so growing it long is out of the picture. Its so hot that its always pulled up and now is starting to break off. I'm pretty sure I'm going to chop it off for the summer. Here is a picture of a cut that i really like. I even love the color although its pretty wild for what i would normally do. This is a picture from the salon that i love called High Maintenance. Would this cut look good on me? Would i cause traffic accidents if i color my hair this wild? I want honest opinions because Jason tells me anything would look good on me. Although that is really sweet, it doesn't help.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

hes simply the best

The past two days have just been so nerve racking. My girls have just been testing me in every way possible. Peyton is going through the stage were she doesnt want to be put down. so she follows me around the house screaming and having a fit. Most days i can handle it flawlessly but the past two days have taken its tole on me. So my dear hubby knows how exhausted i have been and comes home with a "survival kit". First i read the card and here is what it says.
~Aleve headache medicine- for strength to last ALL DAY
~Wet ones- because you love the taste and to wipe off the ick so you can shine.( explanation at the bottom)
~ Ear plugs - for when things get a little too loud.

How sweet is that? It wasnt even much but it was the thought behind it. No matter how bratty or impossible i can be he always knows how to lift my spirits. He is my best friend, my rock, my love. And he is wonderful :)

*explanation for the wet ones- the reason he said i liked the taste is because one day i downed a cup of water that haley had dipped a wet one in. It took forever to get that taste out of my mouth. now even the smell of them makes me cringe. yuck

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The big 5

My baby girl turned five while we were in NC. We had a chucky cheese party which was extra fun because we had the whole place to our selves. All the other kids were in school. It was a super special day for a super special girl. I cant believe she is five... **sniffles**

home from carolina

we returned from North Carolina a week ago. We had a grand ole time. First we stopped into myrtle beach and enjoyed our ocean front hotel 14 stories up. I could honestly live on the beach. I didnt want to leave. We stayed at jasons sisters house who graciously let us terrorize her house. Too kind of her. We stayed super busy while we were there. So many people to see and they each live 45 min away from each other. We stayed with jasons dad for a few days, hit up the beach. I warned jason to put sunblock on but he thought he was above spf30 and opted to get a "tan" instead. SO i refrained from acting like him momma and let him do his thang..... needless to say he paid for it a few days later. I swear i thought i was going to have to take him to the Emergency room. When his pain went away i rubbed in all the "i told you so's i could".. :)

we are back to our normal routine, enjoying the 90 degree weather. Life is good

Thursday, May 7, 2009


The week has been forever long!!! we are leaving for a much needed vacation to nc on saturday and I think we are all going nutz from the anticipation of it all. I havent been a very good momma the past week. Just really busy cleaning and packing so my kids are starving for attention. Maddy resorted to smearing peanut butter all over her body to entertain herself. When i neglect to play with them they only tear up the house more so it completely defeats the purpose of cleaning all together. I guess i need to find that happy medium.
Any who For cinco de mayo we had some good authentic mexican food.... taco bell. LOL it was good actually. It was a good excuse to eat out. Jay has been super busy studying for staff. He already took the test so some of that stress is gone. Haley had her MRI on Wednesday. she was a champ. The nurses at the children's hospital are truly God sent. They really made her feel comfortable. I cried like a baby when they put her under. I was able to hold her while they fed the drugs through her IV. She kept saying "what are they doing mommy, i dont like it" and just like that she was out. I just kept kissing her and telling her i love her while she was falling asleep. I sat in a chair at the back of the room watching my tiny baby girl lay there in this HUGE MRI machine. She was really crabby when she came out of it. She couldn't eat anything all morning so she was ready to go eat. Results wont be in for a few days so keep us in your prayers. Her ear doctor is trying to talk me into the Baha treatment for her ear . It screws into her head. what would you do? Here is a pic of it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The longest week ever

Gosh this week just wont end!!!! Jason had to work this weekend due to the air show thats going on right now. Last week he was in Chicago for four days on a TDY trip. Im wore slam out! Next weekend we are going to the lovely North carolina. It couldnt have come at a better time!

k... im done compaining.

Friday, April 24, 2009

i scored at Goodwill

We had originally planned on getting haley a big bike for her birthday but i was browsing Goodwill yesterday and found this one for just 6 bucks. AND..... it was military appreciation day soooo i got 10% off! SCORE!! I love finding good stuff at goodwill.Is in pretty good shape too. The tires are dirty but who cares. We were fully prepared to pay 45 dollars for a new bike. When i brought it home, jay gave me a shameful look. "that was supposed to be her birthday gift!" That was his reaction. Im like hold up smalls, i just saved us 40 bucks!! Once he saw how excited she was i could see the glitter in his eye also. She is still learning how to use the breaks though. Our driveway is sort of slanted so when she let her feet off the breaks she want flying down the drive way almost into the street. I caught her right before she dove off into the grass. Thank God for helmets.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

happy earth day

I asked haley what she would like to do for earth day and she said she would like to plant seeds. So thats what we did. Its a ghetto little garden but was made with love ;) There was a ton of grub worms that lost a home, i felt bad but what can you do. Haley cant wait for her wild flowers to bloom. I hope the pop up for her, shes really excited.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

im a big kid now!

My lil stinker has gone potty! I thought this day would NEVER come. She has been refusing for the longest time. I think the trick for her is privacy, when i walk out of the bathroom she goes. She has gone three times so far, still a work in progress. Baby steps right?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Birthday girl

My baby is a year, make her stop growing. She had a great time digging in her Reese brownie. It was a small get together but she seemed to enjoy the attention.You break all the rules by the third child ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Haleys quiz

Kid Quiz
Ask your child(ren) to answer the questions and type their answers in.

1. What is something mom always says?
"ummm Dont open the dork" (dork=door)

2. What makes mom happy?
"that your happy to be glad"

3. What makes mom sad?
”when the house is dirty and when we say mean words"

4. How does mom make you laugh?
"when you make funny face"

5. What do you think your mom was like as a child?
"that your so cute and tiny"

6. How tall is your mom?
"you are 65" LOL

7. How old is your mom?
"65"(her new fav number?)

8. What is your mom's favorite thing to watch on TV?
"scary"(i think she means twilight)

9. What does your mom do when you are not around?
"play outside"

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
"making my hairbows"

11. What is your mom really good at?
"singing"(ill take it, it wont last for long)

12. What is your mom not very good at?
"getting mad"(too funny)

13. What does your mom do for her job?
"the computer"(Yikes , theres and eye opener)

14. What is your mom's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
"you clean up the house"

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
"strawberry shortcake"

17. What do you and your mom do together?
"make cake"

18. How are you and your mom the same?
"cause we are family"

19. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
"to carolinas"

This was too cute carrie, i really enjoyed hearing her answers

Easter fun

Twas the night before Easter, we searched the whole house, no one could find it, not even my spouse!

Dont you love my rhyming skills? Anyway, the night before Easter, jay and i were up late cleaning up, getting baskets together, nibbling on carrots for the "bunny" and hiding eggs. I started clearing off my bathroom sink and noticed my wedding ring was gone. The reason i had the thing off in the first place was because i was putting a really goopy product in my hair and it was just easier then cleaning it out. so i guess i forgot to put it back on. well it was gone, i was sure that Maddy got a hold of it and flushed it down the toilet. I was frantic, looking high and low. It was no where to be found. I went to bed with great anxiety that night. When we woke up, the kids were to excited to find there baskets on the table. So after the excitement died down a bit i asked Haley if she knew where Mommy's ring was. She replies "yep, its in my window. It was in the bathtub and i was keeping it safe" Then she guides me to her room where my beautiful ring sat safely in the corner of her window seal. A thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders. Then came the real fun.
We started a new tradition. The Easter baskets are from mom and dad and the Easter bunny comes and leaves goodies outside. I mean there are no great stories about how he gets in the house like Santa so i figure we can keep him out doors. We hid bright shiny eggs all over the yard and a few bigger items like a movie, butterfly net, sidewalk chalk, stuff like that. They were all bundled up in their robes hunting for goodies at 7 in the morning. It was so fun.
Later that day , our neighbors came over, enjoyed a huge dinner traditional style, and had another egg hunt. I adore holidays. The only thing that bums me out is that i didn't get to put adorable dresses on them. well i did, but a few hours into the day they were FILTHY. so i didn't get any good pics of my dressed up beauties. I guess i need to be more prepared for next year.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The pinkest party on the planet

Thats what the georgia folk call it anyway. We attended the Cherry blossom festival a few days ago and had a lot of fun. It was Tunes and Balloons day, we rocked out to some good music and watched the hot air balloons go up. It was good family time. We packed a cooler and brought a blanket. It was nice to just sit, munch, and enjoy eachothers company. It seems like we dont get to do things like this as often as id like because the kids dont last very long in these situations but it was quite pleasant. Maybe they are ready for more outings like this.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Another month

Another month has gone by and still nothing to write about. I still love to get on and read other blogs but i think in doing that it makes me feel really insecure with my own blog. Other blogs are just so fun to read and i couldn't imagine one person coming across mine and saying "wow, that was interesting". But ive come to terms with that and im going to write anyway. I enjoy looking back on what i wrote months ago so here i go again, with nothing cool to say.
In the past month,
~maddy has chopped off a huge chunk of hair, right on top.Im not even sure where she got the scissors. Dont you love the picture, she has a pair of pretend scissors in her hands, and a hat to cover her new do. So many people have told me , Dont worry about it, it will grow back. Yes indeed it will but let me point out that it took two years for her to grow just enough to put in a one inch pony. Now only a comb over will work. *Sigh*

~We have gotten and update on Haley's hearing loss. She has to go to a children's hospital to get an MRI to be sure there is nothing causing the loss of hearing. She will need to be sedated for it. I'm really scared to be honest, i mean I didnt even think that there could be something wrong in her head but when they go looking, its scary to think that they could find something. Im sure every thing will be fine, its just the momma in me i guess.

~Peyton is growing like a weed. She is only one size behind Maddy. She turns one year on the 8th , yet shows no signs of walking at all. Im kinda happy about that though. After all , she is my last baby, no more for me so i am taking full advantage of all the baby qualities she still has.And how much does she look like jason? honestly. lol

~Jason just turned 25, i know hes old right. We didnt do anything extravagant, just at Alfredo and pineapple upside down cake. I tried to pull a fast one on him with trick candles but the dang things went out on the first puff. what a rip off.

~And as for me, well, nothing new here. Just doing the mommy thing. Jason and I celebrated five years of marriage so thats lovely.

and thats all she wrote, until tomorrow

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yep thats me. who knew. Ive always had a hard time breathing, especially during exercises but i never put two and two together that maybe, just maybe i had asthma. well i went to the doctor and sure enough i do. She gave me a fancy inhaler to use before working out. I tried it last night and it helped. I thought i was just a big wimp who couldnt get her breathing under control. YAY for being wrong.

Friday, February 20, 2009

hello again

Well im not really sure why i stopped blogging for a whole month... well actually i kinda do. I started reading twilight and moved on to the other three books without noticing the world around me. My poor kids.... Really its that good. Im totally in love with a vampire. After i finished the series i logged into blogger, opened a new page and.... nothing. I did this a few times until i convinced myself that i have absolutely nothing interesting to say. So now im back with still nothing to say. lol In the past month ive read like crazy, watched twilight the movie... and might i add that it did not do the book justice but i still loved it. My mom came and went. For valentines day jay and i were able to go out on a date because my mom was here to watch the girls. We were going to go to Olive garden.... and hour and a half wait.... so we went to outback.... two hour wait. UHHHGGGG so we went to zaxbys. A lovely date to a fast food chicken joint. Plus i had a HORRIBLE cold. It was still nice to get out together. Anyway ill be writing here again but i cant promise anything good.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

can ya hear me now?

I discovered my poor Haley is deaf in her right ear. We were listening to my mp3 player and she said she wanted to listen to "iron man" song. (I know , completely out of character for girly princess haley to listen to Black Sabbath right?) So i put up on headphone to her right ear and she said she couldn't hear it.. I turn up the volume.... still nothing. Then i put it up to her left ear and she named the song. We tried this several times with different song and still the same outcome. Crazy right? I know its not really a big deal but it still kinda worries me. We got an app, coming up and we will see what the verdict is.

we've been discovered

Twas the night before Christmas...... we put cinnamon rolls out for Santa(didn't have the ingredients for cookies) and a beautiful card that Haley made for Santa. She was so happy to see Santa got it and ate the rolls. About two weeks later i was going some cleaning. I was going through the stack of junk on top of my entertainment center and didn't even realize the lovely picture for Santa was in the mix. Haley being Haley started going through it and found it. Now i didn't even realize because she doodles so much and they all look really similar but Haley sure knew. She gasped and came running at me with the picture. "mommy Santa forgot it!!!" I was doing everything i could not to crack up laughing. I told her he must have been so busy with presents that he forgot it. I told her i would give him a call and ask him to come get it while the girls slept in there big girl beds. So we left it on the fire place again. We put an elf's hat there in place of the picture and when she woke up she saw the hat. "MOMMY.. the elf came and forgot his hat!!" I told her I'm sure the elf had many more hats and she could keep it. I could tell that her mind was just-a-rolling. "how magical mommy" was all she said to that.

Monday, January 12, 2009

a successful night

Maddy slept in her big girl bed last night. After reading a certain blog **Ahem... carrie!** i was inspired to get my two year old in her big girl bed. At first i was really afraid that it would be a huge brawl but she only got up a few times. She fell and got hurt while trying to bug haley and after that she stayed put. They were asleep by 8:00 from the normal 9:45 so thats great. Jason and i didnt even know what to do with ourselves. Normally we are down for the count by the time we get the kids to bed. So all in all it was a successful night and i hope most nights go this way.


On twilight. I started reading in last night and i cant put it down. I thought i would see what all the talk was about and i see why. I cant wait to see the movie! Normally this isnt my kind of read but maybe thats because i never think outside the box.

Monday, January 5, 2009

lost without LOST

see that silly count down thingy on the right? yea I'm freaking out! i cant wait for my show to return. Its hands down the best show that ever aired. It gives me butterflies thinking about it!!

wow I'm a dork

Saturday, January 3, 2009


And boy do i have a lot of them.

1) Obsess less and laugh more.

2) Lose 25 pounds.

3) Officially have a "binky" free house.

4) Be more patient.

5) eat out less

6) the most important to me ..... grow as a christian.

7) become more "green" and waste less.

8) watch less tv

For the most part im hoping to be the best me i can be this year.