Friday, April 24, 2009

i scored at Goodwill

We had originally planned on getting haley a big bike for her birthday but i was browsing Goodwill yesterday and found this one for just 6 bucks. AND..... it was military appreciation day soooo i got 10% off! SCORE!! I love finding good stuff at goodwill.Is in pretty good shape too. The tires are dirty but who cares. We were fully prepared to pay 45 dollars for a new bike. When i brought it home, jay gave me a shameful look. "that was supposed to be her birthday gift!" That was his reaction. Im like hold up smalls, i just saved us 40 bucks!! Once he saw how excited she was i could see the glitter in his eye also. She is still learning how to use the breaks though. Our driveway is sort of slanted so when she let her feet off the breaks she want flying down the drive way almost into the street. I caught her right before she dove off into the grass. Thank God for helmets.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

happy earth day

I asked haley what she would like to do for earth day and she said she would like to plant seeds. So thats what we did. Its a ghetto little garden but was made with love ;) There was a ton of grub worms that lost a home, i felt bad but what can you do. Haley cant wait for her wild flowers to bloom. I hope the pop up for her, shes really excited.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

im a big kid now!

My lil stinker has gone potty! I thought this day would NEVER come. She has been refusing for the longest time. I think the trick for her is privacy, when i walk out of the bathroom she goes. She has gone three times so far, still a work in progress. Baby steps right?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Birthday girl

My baby is a year, make her stop growing. She had a great time digging in her Reese brownie. It was a small get together but she seemed to enjoy the attention.You break all the rules by the third child ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Haleys quiz

Kid Quiz
Ask your child(ren) to answer the questions and type their answers in.

1. What is something mom always says?
"ummm Dont open the dork" (dork=door)

2. What makes mom happy?
"that your happy to be glad"

3. What makes mom sad?
”when the house is dirty and when we say mean words"

4. How does mom make you laugh?
"when you make funny face"

5. What do you think your mom was like as a child?
"that your so cute and tiny"

6. How tall is your mom?
"you are 65" LOL

7. How old is your mom?
"65"(her new fav number?)

8. What is your mom's favorite thing to watch on TV?
"scary"(i think she means twilight)

9. What does your mom do when you are not around?
"play outside"

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
"making my hairbows"

11. What is your mom really good at?
"singing"(ill take it, it wont last for long)

12. What is your mom not very good at?
"getting mad"(too funny)

13. What does your mom do for her job?
"the computer"(Yikes , theres and eye opener)

14. What is your mom's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
"you clean up the house"

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
"strawberry shortcake"

17. What do you and your mom do together?
"make cake"

18. How are you and your mom the same?
"cause we are family"

19. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
"to carolinas"

This was too cute carrie, i really enjoyed hearing her answers

Easter fun

Twas the night before Easter, we searched the whole house, no one could find it, not even my spouse!

Dont you love my rhyming skills? Anyway, the night before Easter, jay and i were up late cleaning up, getting baskets together, nibbling on carrots for the "bunny" and hiding eggs. I started clearing off my bathroom sink and noticed my wedding ring was gone. The reason i had the thing off in the first place was because i was putting a really goopy product in my hair and it was just easier then cleaning it out. so i guess i forgot to put it back on. well it was gone, i was sure that Maddy got a hold of it and flushed it down the toilet. I was frantic, looking high and low. It was no where to be found. I went to bed with great anxiety that night. When we woke up, the kids were to excited to find there baskets on the table. So after the excitement died down a bit i asked Haley if she knew where Mommy's ring was. She replies "yep, its in my window. It was in the bathtub and i was keeping it safe" Then she guides me to her room where my beautiful ring sat safely in the corner of her window seal. A thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders. Then came the real fun.
We started a new tradition. The Easter baskets are from mom and dad and the Easter bunny comes and leaves goodies outside. I mean there are no great stories about how he gets in the house like Santa so i figure we can keep him out doors. We hid bright shiny eggs all over the yard and a few bigger items like a movie, butterfly net, sidewalk chalk, stuff like that. They were all bundled up in their robes hunting for goodies at 7 in the morning. It was so fun.
Later that day , our neighbors came over, enjoyed a huge dinner traditional style, and had another egg hunt. I adore holidays. The only thing that bums me out is that i didn't get to put adorable dresses on them. well i did, but a few hours into the day they were FILTHY. so i didn't get any good pics of my dressed up beauties. I guess i need to be more prepared for next year.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The pinkest party on the planet

Thats what the georgia folk call it anyway. We attended the Cherry blossom festival a few days ago and had a lot of fun. It was Tunes and Balloons day, we rocked out to some good music and watched the hot air balloons go up. It was good family time. We packed a cooler and brought a blanket. It was nice to just sit, munch, and enjoy eachothers company. It seems like we dont get to do things like this as often as id like because the kids dont last very long in these situations but it was quite pleasant. Maybe they are ready for more outings like this.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Another month

Another month has gone by and still nothing to write about. I still love to get on and read other blogs but i think in doing that it makes me feel really insecure with my own blog. Other blogs are just so fun to read and i couldn't imagine one person coming across mine and saying "wow, that was interesting". But ive come to terms with that and im going to write anyway. I enjoy looking back on what i wrote months ago so here i go again, with nothing cool to say.
In the past month,
~maddy has chopped off a huge chunk of hair, right on top.Im not even sure where she got the scissors. Dont you love the picture, she has a pair of pretend scissors in her hands, and a hat to cover her new do. So many people have told me , Dont worry about it, it will grow back. Yes indeed it will but let me point out that it took two years for her to grow just enough to put in a one inch pony. Now only a comb over will work. *Sigh*

~We have gotten and update on Haley's hearing loss. She has to go to a children's hospital to get an MRI to be sure there is nothing causing the loss of hearing. She will need to be sedated for it. I'm really scared to be honest, i mean I didnt even think that there could be something wrong in her head but when they go looking, its scary to think that they could find something. Im sure every thing will be fine, its just the momma in me i guess.

~Peyton is growing like a weed. She is only one size behind Maddy. She turns one year on the 8th , yet shows no signs of walking at all. Im kinda happy about that though. After all , she is my last baby, no more for me so i am taking full advantage of all the baby qualities she still has.And how much does she look like jason? honestly. lol

~Jason just turned 25, i know hes old right. We didnt do anything extravagant, just at Alfredo and pineapple upside down cake. I tried to pull a fast one on him with trick candles but the dang things went out on the first puff. what a rip off.

~And as for me, well, nothing new here. Just doing the mommy thing. Jason and I celebrated five years of marriage so thats lovely.

and thats all she wrote, until tomorrow