Friday, April 24, 2009

i scored at Goodwill

We had originally planned on getting haley a big bike for her birthday but i was browsing Goodwill yesterday and found this one for just 6 bucks. AND..... it was military appreciation day soooo i got 10% off! SCORE!! I love finding good stuff at goodwill.Is in pretty good shape too. The tires are dirty but who cares. We were fully prepared to pay 45 dollars for a new bike. When i brought it home, jay gave me a shameful look. "that was supposed to be her birthday gift!" That was his reaction. Im like hold up smalls, i just saved us 40 bucks!! Once he saw how excited she was i could see the glitter in his eye also. She is still learning how to use the breaks though. Our driveway is sort of slanted so when she let her feet off the breaks she want flying down the drive way almost into the street. I caught her right before she dove off into the grass. Thank God for helmets.