Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter fun

Twas the night before Easter, we searched the whole house, no one could find it, not even my spouse!

Dont you love my rhyming skills? Anyway, the night before Easter, jay and i were up late cleaning up, getting baskets together, nibbling on carrots for the "bunny" and hiding eggs. I started clearing off my bathroom sink and noticed my wedding ring was gone. The reason i had the thing off in the first place was because i was putting a really goopy product in my hair and it was just easier then cleaning it out. so i guess i forgot to put it back on. well it was gone, i was sure that Maddy got a hold of it and flushed it down the toilet. I was frantic, looking high and low. It was no where to be found. I went to bed with great anxiety that night. When we woke up, the kids were to excited to find there baskets on the table. So after the excitement died down a bit i asked Haley if she knew where Mommy's ring was. She replies "yep, its in my window. It was in the bathtub and i was keeping it safe" Then she guides me to her room where my beautiful ring sat safely in the corner of her window seal. A thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders. Then came the real fun.
We started a new tradition. The Easter baskets are from mom and dad and the Easter bunny comes and leaves goodies outside. I mean there are no great stories about how he gets in the house like Santa so i figure we can keep him out doors. We hid bright shiny eggs all over the yard and a few bigger items like a movie, butterfly net, sidewalk chalk, stuff like that. They were all bundled up in their robes hunting for goodies at 7 in the morning. It was so fun.
Later that day , our neighbors came over, enjoyed a huge dinner traditional style, and had another egg hunt. I adore holidays. The only thing that bums me out is that i didn't get to put adorable dresses on them. well i did, but a few hours into the day they were FILTHY. so i didn't get any good pics of my dressed up beauties. I guess i need to be more prepared for next year.


Carrie said...

Easter is so fun. That's a good idea about the easter baskets being from you. Don't ever move somewhere cold! haha The easter bunny hid them inside when we were kids.

That's too bad about the dresses! It's never too late... We dressed the boys up the week after one year (because ties were on clearance) and now we can't remember what year so it will totally count as Easter pictures from now on!