Sunday, August 24, 2008


We had our first experience with the emergency room. Haley was running to get her shoes and she tripped.... smashing into the coffee table. The picture doesnt look all that bad but when it happened it was much worse. Her whole lobe was spit open and it was bleeding a river. so we went to the ER thinking she may need stitches. Jason thought we would be in and out in an hour or so but i knew different. when i told him to get bottles and snacks for the kids he looked at me like i was crazy. I knew we would be there all night. so we get there, wait 4 hours and they send us home with a band aid and some ointment. I knew about two hours into it that she was ok because she was bouncing all around. I wanted to walk out the door and put my own band aid on her but jay wanted to stay because he was sure she would need stitches...... but i was right again! lol Haley was so excited because she got to sleep in our bed for the night. I guess we are just paranoid parents.


Carrie said...

hahahaha Jaaaaasooooon. He is the ultimate paranoid dad. hahah I love it. I'm sorry you had to sit there for so long, though! I hope we get to avoid the ER forever. All we have to do is make it through med school and then we will have our own ER right at home. (crossing our fingers!)