Sunday, May 11, 2008

u can call me momma

Being a mom is truly the most rewarding job in the world. I love it more that anything. Its also the most challenging i have to say. There are times when i want to pull my hair out. Its either Haley pulling all her cloths out of her closet onto the floor because she wanted to play dress up.... or Maddy putting a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet. There is always something happening in the stobaugh house. Even after you've been puked on or listened to three screaming kids all day, they turn the day all around when they tell me they love me or just by doing something cute. Just a simple hug and kiss makes it all worth while. I have the best kids in the world and i hope and pray that i can be the best mother for them. It scares me to death to think of them getting older. I hope i can set a good example and be someone they look up to. As far as my day today... its been good. Jason bought me a willow tree angel to add to my collection. He also helped the girls make me a card with their hand prints. However, last Friday Jason got a vasectomy...... and he still recovering so Ive been really busy taking care of him and the kids. Tomorrow i have a hair app. so that's my mothers day treat. I'm looking forward to it. anyway as Haley woulds say...... Happy mommas day


Carrie said...

Happy mother's day to you, too! You are such a good mom to those little girls... I don't know how you do it! :) I laughed pretty good about your dear husband. That was probably a good call. hahahaha I'm still laughing. I can't believe he's the daddy to 3 girls. you can remind him it's his fault because he carries the genes for deciding which gender. :)