Wednesday, April 30, 2008

27 dresses

This is such a good movie. I went out and bought it yesterday because ive been wanting this one for a long time. Since its impossible to get to the movie theater i had to wait till it came out on DVD. Although i had three screaming children running around the house i still enjoyed it. It was a nice time for me to have "me time". Like i said before, bed time is a joke these days so any amount of me time if heaven sent. Anyway the movie is so sweet, funny, romantic...... and best of all .... the weddings are great. My dream is to become a wedding planner so this was fun. And it made me so excited for my daughters weddings. I think i may start planning now! would that be crazy? anyway its a good movie.


Carrie said...

hahahaha start planning now... That's funny. Although I have to admit have have thought more than once that maybe if my boys marry a girl without a mom I can help plan the wedding. sad. Anyway I just saw this movie too and there were parts that I liked but there were parts that I didn't. I kind of found the main actress kind of annoying. I hate it when I don't like a movie I was really excited to see.