Thursday, April 10, 2008

welcome peyton

Peyton is here!! We went in on tuesday the 8th to be induced. Everything went really smooth. They started me on pitocin right when i got there. I started feeling contractions at around 11 oclock so i got my epidural. Around 1 oclock the doctor broke my water and at about 1:25 i felt a little pressure so i told the nurse.... she checks and sure enough it was time. well the doctor had left to go back to the office so we had to wait. The nurse seemed a little nervous but i didnt feel anything at all so i didnt even realize it was time. so the doctor arrives and they told me to push...... i push twice and she was out. i was laughing! i didnt feel a thing!!! It was bliss. Anyway enough about me more about the baby. She was 8 lbs and 11 oz!!! Huge right. she is my biggest baby yet. She seems so much smaller then maddy tho. Maybe it was because maddys head was so much bigger! She is happy and healthy. No problems at all. She looks just like jason. It was an easy labor. thanks for the prayers!!


Carrie said...

That's how I had both of my babies, too! I'm so glad it worked out great and a super big thanks for being so quick with pictures! Having a baby is fun. I wish I were there to make good food for you. Congrats and we love ya!