Tuesday, November 20, 2007

how about that cheer squad

ITS A GIRL!!!!! AGAIN.... lol . we went to the doctor today and she was taking forever to tell us and then......... ITS A GIRL...... me and jason just laughed. Of course its a girl. duh right? so now we are DONE for good. I told jason that God gave us another girl because we were fighting over boy names! haha. well its a blessing for sure. Just keep jason in your prayers with all these girls running around here! Im just gonna have to get him a boy dog or something. .....as long as its cute and dainty. HA..... P.S. carrie, theres no hope..... just hang on to your boy stuff forever.... lol j/k


Carrie said...

Hahaha that is hilarious! And it's true... I have no hope for a girl. At least our kids could date each other. :) Well maybe someday someone will leave a little boy bundle on your doorstep and then jason can have his boy. Hahahaha I am going to laugh for an hour now. Congrats to you both and just remind jason that it's his fault... he must have been exposed to radiation and killed off all the xy chromosomes. lol.

mandakay said...

i blame jason too! I told him he was fired from making babies and he was like "I QUIT!" lol