Saturday, June 14, 2008

veggie garden

I have no idea how to start a garden but i thought it would be fun to try. Im probably all wrong on the time and season. who knows. i guess i could educate myself and do it right but i opted to just start digging up some dirt and putting the seeds in. I have no clue if they will grow in clay.. Thats all Georgia has! I planted cucumbers the other day and i noticed they have sprouted up. Lets see if anything grows on em. Jason thought it would be fun to do pumpkins but im a little nervous that the vines may take over the yard! Anyway thats my new hobby. Haley enjoys it too. Ill post pics if they grow lol


Carrie said...

hahahahaha I feel bad that I didn't impart a little more knowledge when I lived by you! haha no that I know what I'm doing either. I do know that unless you water very regularly your cucumbers will be bitter so make sure you try to give them the same amount of water every day. And it might be a teeny bit late for where you live but it will be a fun experiment either way! I still say plant zucchini because those babies grow anywhere (except in Wichita Falls apparently). I'm proud of you... Gardens are awesome!