Friday, October 10, 2008

im on to her

It has been and ongoing battle keeping haley in her bed. She goes to bed just fine but somewhere around 2 oclock in the morning she crawls into our bed. I dont even notice she is there until morning. At first i thought she may have been sleep walking and not realizing what shes doing. The more she does it the more its clear..... she knows exactly what she doing. The past couple of nights she comes in with all her stuffed animals, her cup of water, her sleep mask.... lines all the animals up in my bed, and goes to sleep. Its killing me. Maybe i should set up a trap and catch her in the middle of the night. lol just kidding.I wish i had a picture of her with all the toys in my bed but i got one with her sleep mask on. Seriously she wears this thing every night and if we cant find hers, she wears mine. She wont go to sleep without it. Maybe she learned it from a sleep deprived mother of three,,,, just a thought.