Monday, September 15, 2008


This is and emergency! my hair is falling out by the hand fulls!. I looked up all kinds of things that could be making my hair fall out .One reason could be from a sluggish thyroid that can be detected from a blood test. Another could be stress but im not all that stressed out .... i dont think. So Im guessing that is my hormones from having a baby 5 months ago because the same thing happened after i had maddy. When i get out of the shower, it looks like there is a rodent in the drain. I got some fancy shampoo called Nioxin that a stylist recommended and ive been using it but to be honest it smells like medicated dog shampoo. Im tempted to use rogain but have you looked at the price of rogain lately... probably not.... but its like 45 dollars. I would post a pic but its embarrassing enough just talking about it. I can hide it well with my hair down but it impossible to pull it back. I look like an old man with a receding hair line. I need advice... this is serious


Carrie said...

Aaaaah! Amanda! I'm gonna need to see a picture if you really want help. I can only imagine that your ultra-thick hair is now down to normal person level. The post pregnancy thing is almost certainly the problem, and it should balance out within a few months. And Nioxin won't help, but don't you kind of like the tingling? :)

If it really gets bad then you should see a doctor. There are lots of reasons for hair loss, from stress really serious stuff so if you honestly think it is bad you really should see a doctor.

Good luck! I'm sure it's just hormones and will work out just fine. In the mean time you should put in hot rollers--- they make your hair look super thick. (remember when you tried mine?)

mandakay said...

Its not that my hair doesnt look think. I just have a receding hair line. just in the front for some reason. Jason says i should see a doctor too... maybe i will. I dig the tigling from the nioxin but the smell is like i said before.... dog shampoo. Good to know that it wont help before i paid any more money for it. BOO!!