Thursday, September 25, 2008

should have trusted my gut

Haley has been going to school for about three weeks now. The past week has been so hard because she suddenly doesnt want to go. I have to leave her screaming every morning and its getting to be to much on all of us. First of all the school is on the other side of town so it sucking my gas like crazy. Im spending about 85 dollars a week. Let me remind you that we are poor. lol Haley has been so heart broken just having to go but also when she gets home she is so crabby because its been such a long day. So far she hasnt told me one thing that she has learned and the teachers dont give you a report on what went on that day. I ask her what she did that day and every single day all she can tell me is she ate lunch and took a nap. she can never remember any activities they have done. Haley isnt the only one feeling the pain. I have been trying so hard to be patient with this but im so crabby myself because i have to wake up so early. Im dangerous without my sleep. I should have listened to my instinct in the first place but i felt pressure from other moms and now im up creek without a paddle. Jason wants to give it more time and im ok with that but if she doesnt show signs of improvement within two weeks i think i may take her out. They arent teaching her anything that i cant teach her myself. I have to pull all three kids and a double stroller out 8 times a day. It would all be worth it if she enjoyed it, but if she is going to be miserable every single day why should i spend that much money in gas and wake up so early?? Jason says i should keep her in because i wont be able to just pull her out of kindergarten. I see his point but that school is only half a mile from my house. we wont have to wake up as early and she will be a little older. I will cross that bridge when i get there. I miss my girl . this is my last year with her untill i have to send her to elementary school. Is it wrong for me to feel this way?